(name from
Has the body of a dragon with no head. Whenever a person comes near it (within 100'), it sprouts a head which is a duplicate of that person's head and controls the body. A head is a distinct entity from the original person, but is (initially) an exact copy of them. If the person dies or goes away for too long (1d6 Turns?), the head will wither and eventually die (it knows this). Multiple heads must agree to control the body. If the majority of the heads agree on a course of action, they win; otherwise, the monster does nothing useful, as the various heads argue and try to do different things.
Stats as dragon (each head has 1d6 hp and can breathe fire, but only deals 1d6 damage to a single target, save for half)
1. Dormant, headless us-monster
2. Terrified child being chased around by us-monster with his head, trying to catch him so it doesn't die
3. Us-monster with the heads of two people who never agree on anything. All of them are sitting in a dungeon, bickering and slowly dying of starvation
4. Us-monster with the heads of an entire tribe of goblins, who ride it around screaming like lunatics and attack anyone with inferior numbers
Dungeon Squirrel
Looks like a child-sized grey squirrel, but quite wiry and possessed of an uncanny cunning. Lairs in secluded areas with lots of hiding places. Good climbers and diggers. Unable to use complex tools, but smart enough to find and conceal secret rooms and create simple traps, which are often used to protect their stashes from other dungeon squirrels.
If the dungeon you're in has dungeon squirrels, a particular spell or an offering of food (the squirrels prefer nuts, but are omnivorous) might bring one out of hiding. It may then be given items, which it will run off and hide. These can be recovered by summoning the dungeon squirrel again and paying it in food. (There is a % chance equal to the number of days since the item was hidden, capped at 30%, that the stash was stolen, in which case the squirrel will still take your payment.) It can read human emotions well enough to determine people's feelings regarding particular items, and will accept or reject a payment based on that. Some squirrels may sell stolen items (from adventurers, monsters, or other squirrels). Some very bold squirrels may attempt to steal and possibly ransom adventurers' items or pets (or sufficiently small adventurers).
Dungeons inhabited by squirrels will have many secret chambers whose contents may be determined by the following table (1d6):
1. Nothing
2. Squirrel dung
3. Nuts
4. Corpse parts/bones
5. 1d3 broken/useless items
6. Roll 1d5 on the regular table, but also inside is a useful item. Roll 1d6 on subtable:
1. Random item from "adventuring gear" table
2. Random trade good
3. 1d100 gp/sp (or whatever the main currency is in your game)
4. Random potion
5. Random jewelry/gem
6. Treasure trove: Half chance of a (non-potion) magic item, plus 2 1d5 rolls below, plus 3 1d5 rolls on the regular table
A given hidden squirrel chamber has a half chance of being trapped. Some dungeon squirrel traps (1d12):
1. Open pit, 1d4 x 10' deep
2. Concealed pit
3. Open flooded pit
4. Concealed pit with bone spikes (gnawed to a point) or rusty salvaged weapons
5. Unfinished pit, 1d8' deep
6. Unstable ceiling, will collapse if supports are damaged or removed, 1 in 3 chance already partially collapsed
7. Loot (if any) in shallow, unfinished-looking pit with false bottom, will collapse into deeper pit if significant weight is put on it
8. Walls and floor covered in sharp glass shards and rusty nails
9. Monster inhabiting chamber, its attitude toward the squirrel may be indifferent or hostile
10. Chamber full of mushrooms with hallucinogenic spores
11. Chamber full of underground thorn bushes
12. Poisonous berry bushes growing in chamber
Tame dungeon squirrels are rare, but are very adept at hiding items and discovering hidden things. They also have a good memory for the locations and contents of their own hidden stashes (and not much else).