Sunday, December 18, 2022

Early Adopter Class

Found on this page on TVTropes, don't know original source

Levels/saves/hp as Thief.

Through some strange turn of fate, you have become stranded in a distant time or another world. Your only asset is a Device you possess, which functions by strange magics unknown to this place and will soon be useless unless you find a way to restore its powers.

You begin play with a fully-Charged Device, which is either a phone (50 max Charge, takes up negligible inventory space) or a tablet (60 max Charge, takes up 1 inventory slot), no means to restore Charge, and the listed basic abilities.

Every level (including 1st), you may pick two new abilities. These are properties of your Device, not of you; if you find another, it will likely have a different set of functions.

At level 5, you can try to hack Devices, bypassing the password. Spend 1 hour and roll under Intelligence. On a success you have unlimited access to the Device, on a failure you are shut out and can never attempt to hack that Device again.

Each Device has a unique password, which must be known to access any of its abilities.

Basic abilities: These can be used by anyone with a Device if they receive some brief training or spend a while fiddling with it (roll Int each 10 minutes of messing around to figure out a function of your choice). Advanced functions may be more difficult to learn, depending on specifics.
        Light: Can produce light as bright as a torch, costing 1 Charge each 10-minute Turn.
   Camera: Can instantaneously produce an image of whatever you point it at. These are near-perfect reproductions, if a bit grainy. Each has a 1-in-6 chance of costing 1 Charge.
   Communications: You can contact other Early Adopters (or anyone with a Device). Text-only communications may be sent at negligible cost in Charge. Each minute of vocal communication costs 1 Charge. You begin play with the contact information of 1d3 Early Adopters in the same world as you, though they will usually not know much of use. If you know the true name of a magical creature, you can call it whether it has a Device or not.
   Calculator: Can instantly perform a variety of simple or complicated mathematical operations. Highly valuable to a medieval engineer or mathematician.

Added functionality:
1. Improved Camera: Images taken are now high-quality, cost negligible Charge to render, and can be produced in low light or darkness. Doing so will produce a bright flash of light which causes sighted darkness-dwelling creatures to save vs. blindness for 1 Round.
        1.1. Video Camera: You can now record short sequences of images with accompanying sound, which produce the illusion of motion when viewed sequentially. Recording one of these costs 1 Charge per Round. (You can also make video calls now, which cost 1 Charge per Round.)
        1.2. Image Editing: You can modify images and videos produced with your Camera. You have access to effects including recoloring, distortion of features, removal or addition of objects, and more. Another Early Adopter or anyone who examines a modified image carefully (taking at least 1 minute) may notice discrepancies.

2. Internet Connection: You have somehow gained access to your civilization's collective mind-weave, which holds untold amounts of information on nearly any topic conceivable. Unfortunately, most of it is irrelevant or misleading. You may spend 1 minute and 1 Charge to query the Web for information on a topic or the answer to a question. The GM rolls 1d6 + your Int or Wis mod to determine the quality of the answer you get. The roll may be modified by the relative obscurity of the subject. 0 or less: Wildly incorrect, or subtly, dangerously incorrect, 1-2: Incomplete, confusing, or contradictory information, 3-4: Distracted for 1d6 minutes, you may try again, 5: Most relevant facts, 6 or more: Complete and accurate answer.
   2.1. Social Media: You can spread knowledge of your deeds to the whole world; some of the world's greatest Bards and heralds are on good terms with other Early Adopters. You get +5% xp for anything xp-gaining if you put an image or write something about it and post it online. (You can also post about other topics if you'd like, which gains you no xp.) Anyone you know personally will be aware of it in a day, most important people in a week, and everyone who's not a hermit or similar in a month. You can read the surface thoughts of anyone you could contact via Communications (whether you're currently contacting them or not), and they can read yours, unless one of you deliberately abstains from Social Media.
        2.2. Addictive Distractions: A sapient creature who sees the Device while these are active must save or be distracted (assuming it doesn't have to pursue some urgent matter). If they fail the save, they can make a new one each 10 minutes thereafter. Anyone who failed one of these saves will have a strong urge to use the Device again later.
   2.2.1. Meme: Choose a subject (could be a person, group, place, event, idea, etc.) and an emotion or gut feeling, and distribute your meme (may have to accomplish this through more conventional means, e.g. through posters or word of mouth, depending on the local level of technology). Anyone who sees your meme will, if they fail a save, feel a significant impulse of your chosen feeling toward the subject whenever they see or hear about it for 1d6 days. You can only make a meme this good once a month. Can target the meme at a specific subgroup/community to give them a penalty on the save: -1 if you have a passing familiarity, -2 if you're a novice member, -4 if you are a veteran member. It must be a fairly narrow group with similar strong interests or a common history.
   2.3. Location Services: You can activate these to allow your Device and the area immediately around it to be easily viewed by magic or technology, so long as you grant permission. You can determine your current location in the universe anytime you like. You can also locate your Device remotely, provided you have access to another Device with this function.
   2.3.1. Street View: At no cost, you can get an overview of local businesses and other establishments in any city or town in the world, with ratings and reviews. At the cost of 1 Charge per round, you can scry on public areas.
   2.3.2. Weather Prediction: 5-in-6 accuracy for today's weather, -1 for each day after.
2.3.3. Special Delivery: This function may be taken multiple times; you can make one order for each. The massive delivery corporations of your homeworld have, at great expense, figured out how to transport goods across space and time, although such services are only occasionally available. You may (for 1 Charge and ten times the normal market price, plus a delivery fee of at least 100 gp/sp) order one item or several items of the same kind. For a start, you can get Devices, charging machines, and batteries, as well as anything from the standard equipment list, but of at least twice the normal quality (weapons and armor count as +1). You may also order magical items or anything you can find on a real-world retail site, though such items will require GM approval. Your order will be delivered by an armed, semi-autonomous flying machine in 1d6 days to any reasonably safe, accessible location you designate.

   2.3.4. Ride Hailing: Can call up transportation from anywhere to anywhere at a large fee. Some contractors will have combat capacity, which they will only use to defend themselves and their passengers. Fee = mode x distance (miles) x passengers gp/sp. Available modes (may vary based on your setting): Horse: 1, Armored carriage with guard: 3, Ferry: 1, Flying Carpet: 10, Dragon: 20, Wizard who can teleport: 10,000 for any distance, Underworld ferry: 2. Contractors arrive at your location in 1d6 Turns, or 1 Turn if you pay double the fee.

Dragon: "It's a living."
(MTG: Dragonsoul Knight, by Justin Sweet)

3. Music: You have access to an extensive selection of music and sound effects, allowing you to play any song you like and any general kind of noise you've heard, though volume and quality are limited by your Device's hardware. Playing sound costs 1 Charge per 10 minutes.

4. Voice Command: Your Device can be operated by speech. You may set it to recognize only your vocal harmonics, or those of anyone. It has a 1-in-20 chance of misinterpreting commands, 1-in-6 for anyone other than its owner.
   4.1. Virtual Assistant: Your Device hosts a human-level artificial intelligence which can act autonomously, within parameters set by you. With the limited processing power available, it can only run as fast as a regular human mind. On the bright side, it consumes negligible Charge. Its personality: (1d6: 1. Relentlessly optimistic, 2. Relentlessly pessimistic, 3. Vindictive, 4. Takes everything extremely seriously, 5. Servile but sarcastic, 6. Fixated on a hobby). It is loyal to you, though mistreatment may change this.

Notes: Very little combat ability, but a pretty versatile set of info-gathering/social/utility abilities. The initial challenge for this class is to recharge your Device before you run out and become powerless. You can do this by leveling up until you get the "Special Delivery" ability and order a generator and a charger, but I recommend that the DM put some other ways to charge into the setting; spells could be used as a temporary power source, or sacrificed magic items, or souls of vanquished enemies. You might find replacement batteries in treasure in the weirder sort of dungeon. Your fellow Early Adopters might have access to chargers, if you can strike a deal.

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Early Adopter Class

Found on this page on TVTropes, don't know original source Levels/saves/hp as Thief. Through some strange turn of fate, you have becom...